Humans and technology make the cutest couple
Meet the technology:
Robo advisers are all the rage these days. They have the things we want, they're:
But what's missing? Robots can be kind of cold. Sometimes we need an actual human to help us through difficult and complex situations.
Meet the Human:
Jo-Ann Holst is a Certified Financial Planner in Lakewood Colorado. She brings lots to the table:
She helps people plan for ALL of their financial needs, not just investments.
Hello hybrid adviser
Combine the power of technology with a licensed and experience Certified Financial Planner and you've struck gold.​
Meet however you want
In person​
online through join me- anywhere in Colorado
On the phone
Ask your questions through email or chat
Powerful digital tools
Account aggregation​
Cash flow management
Social Security strategizing
How about a second opinion?​
Think of it like the best free sample you'll ever get. We'll review your current investments, give you an unbiased analysis, and show you a side-by-side comparison of other options. If you're already in great shape, we'll tell you to keep up the good work!